Selected Information for Creditors and Other Interested Parties
Major Files in Progress or Completed Recently
@rgentum Management and Research Corporation and certain @rgentum mutual funds
A. John Page & Associates Inc. was appointed Receiver and Manager of the assets, undertakings and property of @rgentum Management and Research Corporation (“@rgentum”) and of certain mutual funds administered by @rgentum (“the @rgentum Funds”) by order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Campbell of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) dated November 16, 2005.
A. John Page & Associates Inc. was discharged as Receiver of @rgentum by order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Mew of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) dated August 19, 2015.
Posted below is selected key information on the receivership.
The November 16, 2005 Order
Bulletin on the Receivership as at November 16, 2005 
Ontario Securities Commission News Release dated November 16, 2005 
Notice in the Globe and Mail - November 22, 2005 
Communiqué de l'Autorité des marchés financiers le 22 novembre 2005 (en francais) 
Avis - La Presse le 25 novembre 2005 (en francais) 
First Report of the Receiver to the Court dated November 29, 2005
Second Report of the Receiver to the Court dated December 9, 2005
Notice of Motion dated December 9, 2005
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice C. Campbell dated December 12, 2005 
Certificate of Appointment of A. John Page & Associates Inc. as Trustee of @rgentum Management and Research Corporation dated December 12, 2005
Letter to Unit Holders dated December 12, 2005
Lettre aux détenteurs d’@rgentum - le 12 decémbre 2005 (en francais) 
Motion Record dated December 21, 2005
Supplementary Report of Receiver dated January 3, 2006 
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice J. Farley dated January 5, 2006 
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - February 20, 2006
FAQ - des questions par les détenteurs - le 20 fevrier 2006 (en francais) 
Motion Record dated April 12, 2006
Judgement of the Honourable Mr. Justice R. Mongeon dated April 18, 2006
Third Report of the Receiver to the Court dated June 23, 2006
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Cameron dated July 10, 2006 
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - updated to August 21, 2006 
FAQ - des questions par les détenteurs - Mis à jour le 21 août 2006 (en francais) 
Bulletin on the Receivership - December 22, 2006
Fourth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated February 16, 2007
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Ground dated March 27, 2007 
On March 27, 2007 the Honourable Mr. Justice Ground of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) approved a claims process ("the Claims Process") for the five @rgentum Funds that have some assets, namely @rgentum Canadian Performance Portfolio, @rgentum Income Portfolio, @rgentum Short-Term Assets Portfolio, @rgentum Canadian L/S Equity Portfolio and @rgentum Pooled Market Neutral Portfolio (the "Solvent Funds"). In accordance with the Claims Process please find posted:
1. The Claims Process with relation to the assets of the Solvent Funds (in English with English and French Schedules) 
2. The Instruction Letter dated April 26, 2007 sent to holders of units in the Solvent Funds and their advisors (in English)
3. Lettre de directives en date du 26 avril 2007 mis aux détenteurs de parts des Fonds solvables et à leurs conseillers (en francais)
4. Notice of Dispute (in English)
5. Avis de contestation (en francais) 
6. Proof of Claim (in English)
7. Preuve de réclamation (en francais)
8. Notice in the Globe and Mail May 10 and 11, 2007
9. Avis - La Presse 10 et 11 mai 2007 (en francais)
On April 26, 2007 the Receiver sent to persons believed to be holders of units in the other six @rgentum Funds, namely @rgentum US Master Portfolio, @rgentum Canadian Equity Portfolio, @rgentum International Master Portfolio, @rgentum Discovery Portfolio, @rgentum International Master RSP Portfolio and @rgentum US Market Neutral Portfolio ("the Insolvent Funds") a letter indicating that the Insolvent Funds have no assets at this time and, as a result, the Receiver is not running a claims process with respect to these funds. Copies of this letter are posted below:
1. Letter dated April 26, 2007 to possible holders of units in the Insolvent Funds (in English)
2. Lettre en date du 26 avril 2007 aux détenteurs potentiels de parts des Fonds non solvables et à leurs conseillers (en francais)
Holders of units in the Insolvent Funds should keep the Receiver informed of their current address. No other action is required by them at this time.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - updated to August 23, 2007
FAQ - des questions par les détenteurs - Mis à jour le 23 août 2007 (en francais) 
January 10, 2008 Addendum to the August 23, 2007 FAQ - Recent Developments 
10 janvier 2008 ajout au 23 août 2007 FAQ - Développements récents (en francais) 
Bulletin on the Receivership - April 17, 2008 
Fifth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated June 9, 2008
Notice of Motion dated June 9, 2008
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Siegel dated June 25, 2008 
Bulletin on the Status of the Receiver's Request for Clearance Certificates - October 30, 2008 
Bulletin on the Status of the Receiver's Request for Clearance Certificates and the Likely Timing of the Proposed Interim Distribution - January 7, 2009
Sixth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated March 31, 2009
Notice of Motion re Court Hearing on April 7, 2009
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz dated April 7, 2009
In accordance with the Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz dated April 7, 2009, a partial redemption payment was made to holders of units in the "Solvent Funds" on July 29, 2009. The Receiver does not anticipate ever making any distribution on account of the “Insolvent Funds”. Further information is contained in the posted document entitled “Letter to Unit Holders of Certain @rgentum Funds and their Nominees re Partial Redemption of Units” dated July 29, 2009. 
Par suite de l’ordonnance de Monsier le juge Morawetz en date du 7 avril 2009, un paiement au titre du rachat partiel procéde aux détenteurs de parts des « Fonds solvables » le 29 juillet 2009. Le Séquestre ne prévoit procéder à aucune répartition en ce qui concerne les « Fonds non solvables ». D’autres renseignements peuvent être obtenus en document au titre « Lettre aux détenteurs de parts de certains fonds @rgentum et de leurs propriétaires apparents relativement au rachat partiel de parts » en date du 29 juillet 2009. 
Notice to holders of units in the "Solvent Funds" and their nominees dated January 27, 2012
Avis aux détenteurs de parts de certains fonds @rgentum et de leurs propriétaires apparents en date du 27 janvier 2012
Clarification by the Receiver of the Statement made in the Fifth Report to the Court regarding Mr. Paul Morford of Vancouver - October 10, 2012 
Seventh Report of the Receiver to the Court dated June 8, 2015 
Notice of Motion re Court Hearing on August 19, 2015
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Mew dated August 19, 2015 
Sherman Supersonic Industries Corp. ("SSI")
On December 13, 2005 SSI filed an assignment in bankruptcy and A. John Page & Associates Inc. was named as Trustee. SSI was in the business of designing and manufacturing large vehicle wash systems from premises in Mississauga, Ontario. On April 4, 2007 the Trustee paid all preferred claims in full and made an interim distribution to unsecured creditors whose claims had been admitted at that time of 15 cents on the dollar.
On December 15, 2010 the Trustee declared a final dividend that brought the total distribution to all proven unsecured creditors to 18.94 cents on the dollar. Actual Gross Receipts of $2,084,849 were significantly better than had been anticipated at the time of the bankruptcy. A copy of the reporting letter of the Trustee to the creditors is attached:
Letter to the Creditors of SSI - December 15, 2010
Amcan Consolidated Technologies Corp.
A. John Page & Associates Inc. was appointed Receiver of the assets, undertakings and property of Amcan Consolidated Technologies Corp. ("Amcan ”) by order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Siegel of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) dated May 21, 2008. Amcan was a supplier of light metal aluminum and magnesium castings to the automotive industry from locations in Burlington and Hamilton, Ontario.
On May 22, 2008 Amcan filed an assignment in bankruptcy and A. John Page & Associates Inc. was named as Trustee.
The May 21, 2008 Order
Notice of Bankruptcy and First Meeting of Creditors dated May 27, 2008
Trustee's Preliminary Report to the Creditors dated June 11, 2008
On March 22, 2010 A. John Page & Associates Inc. issued a "Notice of Application for Discharge of Trustee" to all creditors who had filed a proof of claim. Enclosed with the notice was the Trustee's final statement of receipts and disbursements. No dividend was declared.
A. John Page & Associates Inc. was discharged as Trustee of Amcan by order of the Court dated November 3, 2010.
Second (Final) Report of A .John Page & Associates Inc. as Court Appointed Receiver of Amcan dated June 1, 2011
By Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice D. Brown dated June 15, 2011 it was ordered that A. John Page & Associates Inc. be discharged as Court Appointed Receiver of Amcan upon the making of certain payments and the filing of a certificate with the Court certifying that it has completed its administration of the estate. The payments have now been made and the certificate was filed with the Court on June 22, 2011.
The Order of Mr. Justice D. Brown dated June 15, 2011
The Endorsement and unofficial transcript of Mr. Justice D. Brown dated June 15, 2011
Nelson Financial Group Ltd.
On March 23, 2010 Nelson Financial Group Ltd. ("Nelson") sought and obtained an Initial Order ("the Initial Order") under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act ("CCAA"). The Initial Order granted Nelson, among other things, a stay of proceedings. Pursuant to the Initial Order A. John Page & Associates Inc. was appointed Monitor. A. John Page & Associates Inc. was discharged as Monitor on December 22, 2011.
Information on the filing is posted on this website
Application Record March 22, 2010
Report of A. John Page & Associates Inc. as Proposed Monitor of Nelson Financial Group Ltd dated March 22, 2010
CCAA Initial Order March 23, 2010
Endorsement of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated March 23, 2010
Unofficial Transcript of the Endorsement of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated March 23, 2010
Listing of Creditors as at March 23, 2010
Letter to Creditors dated March 26, 2010
Globe and Mail Notice - March 29 and April 6, 2010
First Report of the Monitor dated April 15, 2010
Motion Record dated April 16, 2010 filed by Nelson (returnable April 22, 2010)
Order and Endorsement of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated April 22, 2010
Endorsement of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated April 28, 2010
Supplement dated April 28, 2010 to the First Report of the Monitor
Stay Extension Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated April 30, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated April 30, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated May 28, 2010
Motion Record dated May 31, 2010 filed by Nelson (returnable June 4, 2010) 
Second Report of the Monitor dated June 2, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated June 4, 2010
Stay Extension Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated June 4, 2010
Motion Record dated June 11, 2010 filed by Nelson (returnable June 15, 2010)
Third Report of the Monitor dated June 11, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated June 15, 2010
Stay Extension Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated June 15, 2010
Rep Counsel Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated June 15, 2010
Motion Record dated June 30, 2010 filed by Nelson (returnable July 7, 2010)
Fourth Report of the Monitor dated July 2, 2010
Notice re July 21, 2010 Information Meeting for Promissory Note Holders
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated July 7, 2010
Independent Counsel Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated July 7, 2010
Notice by E. Pillon of Stikeman Elliott LLP, Independent Counsel, to Preferred Shareholders of Nelson dated July 9, 2010
Copy of Powerpoint Presentation given by Monitor to Noteholders on July 21, 2010
Motion Record dated July 21, 2010 filed by Nelson (returnable July 2 7, 2010)
Fifth Report of the Monitor dated July 21, 2010
Supplemental to the Fifth Report of the Monitor dated July 23, 2010
Stay Extension Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated July 27, 2010
Claims Procedure Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated July 27, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated July 27, 2010
Message from D. Turner, Rep Counsel to the Noteholders re webpage and email communications with noteholder committee August 6, 2010
By Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) dated July 27, 2010 a claims procedure (“the Claims Procedure”) under the CCAA has been approved in order to prove the claims of Nelson’s creditors and preferred shareholders . In accordance with the Claims Procedure please find posted:
Notice from Stikeman Elliott LLP to the Preferred Shareholders of Nelson dated August 12, 2010
Motion Record dated August 23, 2010 filed by the Monitor (returnable August 27, 2010) including the Monitor's Sixth Report
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated August 24, 2010 re issue of validity etc. of Foscarini Mackie Holdings security
Toronto Star Notice re the Claims Procedure - August 22, 2010
Globe and Mail Notice re the Claims Procedure - August 24, 2010
Factum and Authorities re August 27, 2010 Motion
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated August 27, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated August 27, 2010
Opinion letter of Stikeman Elliott LLP as Independent Counsel to the Monitor dated August 11, 2010
Motion Record dated September 2, 2010 filed by Rep Counsel to the Noteholders (returnable September 27, 2010)
Letter from the Monitor to the Preferred Shareholders dated September 3, 2010
Toronto Star - Notice to the Preferred Shareholders- September 5, 2010
Globe and Mail -Notice to the Preferred Shareholders - September 7, 2010
Seventh Report of the Monitor dated September 13, 2010
Affidavit of M. Boutet dated September 15, 2010 re Foscarini Settlement
Order and Endorsement of Madam Justice Pepall re Foscarini Settlement - September 16, 2010
Urgent - Notice to the Preferred Shareholders - September 16, 2010 and Endorsement of Madam Justice Pepall dated September 16, 2010
Supplemental to Seventh Report of the Monitor dated September 17, 2010
Notice to the Preferred Shareholders - September 23, 2010 and Order and Endorsement of Mr. Justice Cumming dated September 23, 2010
Motion Record dated September 28, 2010 filed by Nelson (returnable October 1, 2010)
Eighth Report of the Monitor dated September 28, 2010
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated October 1, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated October 1, 2010
Urgent Notice to the Preferred Shareholders - October 4, 2010
Preferred Shareholder Motion (Returnable October 18, 2010) Court Filings:
Second Supplemental to Seventh Report of the Monitor dated October 14, 2010
The Preferred Shareholder Motion was heard on October 18 and 19, 2010 before Madam Justice Pepall. Madam Justice Pepall "reserved" her decision. Madam Justice Pepall's Reasons for Decision were released on November 16, 2010. A copy has been posted below.
Notice of Motion dated November 10, 2010 filed by the Monitor (returnable November 12, 2010)
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated November 12, 2010
First Report of the Representative Counsel dated November 3, 2010
Notice of Motion of Representative Counsel dated November 4, 2010 (replaced by the Notice of Motion of Representative Counsel dated November 12, 2010 - see below)
Notice of Motion of Representative Counsel dated November 12, 2010 (replacing the Notice of Motion of Rep Counsel dated November 4, 2010 above and replaced by the Amended Notice of Motion of Rep Counsel dated November 12, 2010 below)
Motion Record dated November 12, 2010 filed by the Monitor (returnable November 22, 2010)(part 1 of 2)
Motion Record dated November 12, 2010 filed by the Monitor (returnable November 22, 2010)(part 2 of 2)
Monitor's Notice to the Stakeholders of Nelson and Other Interested Parties - November 12, 2010
Ninth Report of the Monitor dated November 15, 2010
Reasons for Decision of Madam Justice Pepall re Preferred Shareholder Motion released November 16, 2010
Second Report of the Representative Counsel dated November 15, 2010
Fee Affidavit of D. Turner sworn Nov 16 10 re Rep Counsel Fees
Fee Affidavit of R. Jones sworn Nov 17 10 re Special Counsel to Rep Counsel Fees
Fee Affidavit of T. Woodside sworn Nov 17 10 re Gowlings CCAA Proceeding Fees
Fee Affidavit of T. Woodside sworn Nov 17 10 re Gowlings OSC Proceeding Fees
Amended Notice of Motion of Representative Counsel dated November 12, 2010 (replacing the Notice of Motion of Representative Counsel dated November 12, 2010 above)
Supplement to the Ninth Report of the Monitor dated November 18, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated November 22, 2010
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated November 22, 2010
Monitor's Notice to the Stakeholders of Nelson and Other Interested Parties - November 22, 2010 (updated November 26, 2010)
Notice of Motion dated November 24, 2010 filed by the Monitor (returnable December 1, 2010)
Tenth Report of the Monitor dated November 29, 2010
Third Report of the Representative Counsel dated November 29, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated December 1, 2010
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated December 1, 2010
Eleventh Report of the Monitor dated December 8, 2010
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated December 9, 2010
Notice of Motion of the Interim Operating Officer ("IOO") dated February 11, 2011 re plan filing, meeting order and stay extension (returnable February 22, 2011)
Plan of Compromise and Arrangement February 11 , 2011
First Report of the IOO dated February 18, 2011 as amended
The scheduling of the meeting order and stay extension are to be considered by the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz at 9-30am on February 28, 2011. The 12th Report of the Montor (posted below) has been prepared and filed with the court in connection with these matters.
Twelfth Report of the Monitor dated February 24, 2011 (part one)
Twelfth Report of the Monitor dated February 24, 2011 (part two)
Motion Record of IOO served February 25, 2011 as amended
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Mr. Justice G. Morawetz dated February 28, 2011
Supplement to the Twelfth Report of the Monitor dated March 2, 2011
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Mr. Justice G. Morawetz dated March 3, 2011
Endorsements (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Mr. Justice G. Morawetz dated March 4, 2011
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall re Preferred Shareholder Motion dated November 16, 2010 (Entered March 4, 2011)
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Pepall dated December 9, 2010 (Entered March 4, 2011)
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz re Plan Filing and Creditor Meeting dated March 4, 2011
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz re Stay Extension dated March 4, 2011
Package mailed by Nelson to the creditors of Nelson on March 10, 2011:
Ms Brenda Bissel on behalf of the Bissell family, major Nelson noteholders, has contacted the Monitor expressing concern over the timing upon which the Plan is being brought forward and the disclosure of information to date. Ms Bissell asks creditors interested in more information to email her as soon as possible at
Nelson Information Circular dated March 22, 2011
Thirteenth Report of the Monitor dated April 6, 2011
Motion Record of Gloria Bissell and Globis Administrators as noteholders ("the Bissell Motion Record") served April 12, 2011 and returnable April 14, 2011 re adjourning the April 16, 2011 creditors' meeting, releasing the contact information of noteholders and directing the Monitor and/or the Applicant to produce further information on among other things the liquidation value of Nelson ("the Bissell Motion"):
Certain documentary evidence already posted on this website ie certain earlier orders of the court, certain of the Monitor's reports, the Plan and the IOO's First Report that is to be used at any hearing of the Bissell Motion and was included in the Bissell Motion Record has not been re-posted on this website.
Endorsement (and unofficial transcript) of the Honourable Madam Justice Mesbur dated April 13, 2011 re the Bissell Motion
Nelson has prepared and is in the process of filing a revised Plan (amended to April 12, 2011). According to Nelson's counsel, the changes are mostly technical corrections and clarifications. The Monitor has consented to these amendments in accordance with Section 9.1 of the Plan. Posted below is a copy of the revised Plan and a blackline copy showing the changes made from the version of the Plan (amended to February 24, 2011) that had been filed previously with the court and mailed to creditors:
The Meeting to consider the Plan was held on April 16, 2011. The statutory majority of creditors voted in favour of the Plan. The court sanction hearing with respect to the Plan is being held on Wednesday April 20, 2011 at 10.00am at 330 University Avenue, Toronto. The Motion Record of the IOO for that hearing and other material are posted below:
The Court approved the Plan on April 21, 2011. The Order approving the Plan is posted below.
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz re Plan Sanction Application dated April 21, 2011
Unofficial transcript of the endorsement of the Honourable Mr. Justice G. Morawetz dated April 21, 2011
Reasons for the decision of the Honourable Mr. Justice G. Morawetz re Plan Sanction Application released May 6, 2011
Certificate of Representative Counsel dated May 31, 2011 certifying that the Plan Implementation Date was May 13, 2011
Since May 2011 the Monitor has been attempting to get other counsel to agree upon a date for the hearing of its motion to have its fees approved and to be discharged as Monitor. On August 12, 2011 Mr. Richard Jones, counsel for the Representative Counsel and for the Interim Operating Officer, served the following motion records on the Monitor:
Motion Record (Discharge of Interim Operating Officer) August 8, 2011 as amended
Motion Record (Discharge of Representative Counsel) August 8, 2011
On August 18, 2011 the above two motions were adjourned by Mr. Justice Morawetz to October 17, 2011 at which time they are to be heard along side the motion of the Monitor for its discharge. Mr. Justice Morawetz also ordered Representative Counsel, Special Counsel and the Interim Operating Officer to file appropriate documentation to support their fees.
Endorsement and Unofficial Transcript of Mr. Justice Morawetz dated August 18, 2011 re Motion Record (Discharge of Interim Operating Officer)
Endorsement and Unofficial Transcript of Mr. Justice Morawetz dated August 18, 2011 re Motion Record (Discharge of Representative Counsel)
Fee Affidavit of D.Turner sworn Sept 30 11 re Rep Counsel Fees 
Fee Affidavit of S.Townsend sworn Sept 30 11 re IOO Fees 
Fee Affidavit of R.Jones sworn Oct 4 11 re Special Counsel to Rep Counsel Fees 
Amended Notice of Motion dated Oct 4 11 re Discharge of Rep Counsel
Amended Notice of Motion dated Oct 4 11 re Discharge of IOO 
Motion Record dated Oct 7 11 re Discharge of Monitor, including Monitor's Fourteenth Report (Part 1 of 2) 
Motion Record dated Oct 7 11 re Discharge of Monitor, including Monitor's Fourteenth Report (Part 2 of 2)
The Motions for the discharge of the Monitor, Rep Counsel and the IOO tentatively scheduled to be heard on Oct 17, 2011 were postponed.
The Motions for the discharge of the Montor, Rep Counsel and the IOO have now been rescheduled to be heard before Justice Morawetz at 10-00am on December 22, 2011 at 330 University Avenue in Toronto. The following are the applicable Notices of Return of Motion:
Notice of Return of Motion (discharge of Monitor)
Notice of Return of Motion (discharge of IOO)
Notice of Return of Motion (discharge of Rep Counsel)
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz discharging the Monitor dated December 22, 2011
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz discharging IOO dated December 22, 2011
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz discharging Rep Counsel dated December 22, 2011
Endorsement (and Unofficial Transcript) of the Honourable Mr. Justice Morawetz dated December 22, 2011 re Motion Record (Discharge of Interim Operating Officer, Rep Counsel and Monitor)
Certain Assets of 2058756 Ontario Limited ("205")
A. John Page & Associates Inc. was appointed Receiver of all of the assets, undertakings and properties of 205 except for its property at 700 Gardiners Road, Kingston ("the Kingston Property"). by order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Brown of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) dated June 21, 2012. The major asset of 205 other than the Kingston Property was the property located at 100 Central Avenue West, Brockville, Ontario.
Initial Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Brown dated June 21, 2012
First Report of the Receiver to the Court dated August 29, 2012
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Campbell dated September 11, 2012
Supplement to the First Report of the Receiver to the Court dated February 13, 2013
Second Report of the Receiver to the Court dated April 11, 2013
Supplement to the Second Report of the Receiver to the Court dated April 24, 2013
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Seigel dated April 25, 2013 (Approval and Vesting)
Third Report of the Receiver to the Court dated August 8, 2013
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Pattillo dated August 26, 2013 (Interim Distribution and Bar Date)
Fourth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated August 6, 2014
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Hainey dated August 20, 2014
Fifth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated November 19, 2014
Endorsement of the Honourable Mr. Justice McEwen dated January 6, 2015 Sixth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated March 23, 2015
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice McEwen dated April 28, 2015
Seventh Report of the Receiver to the Court dated December 6, 2016
Notice of Motion dated January 6 , 2017
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Hainey dated January 24, 2017
Eighth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated January 15, 2020
Notice of Motion dated January 16 , 2020
Order of the Honourable Madam. Justice Gilmore dated January 29, 2020
Discharge Certificate dated March 6, 2020
1368883 Ontario Inc. (formerly Bayside Mall Limited )
A. John Page & Associates Inc. was appointed Receiver of the assets, undertakings and property of Bayside Mall Limited by order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Siegel of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) dated December 5, 2012. The primary asset of Bayside Mall Limited was the mall known as Bayside Mall located at 150 Christina Street North in Sarnia, Ontario. A. John Page & Associates Inc. was discharged as Receiver on January 29, 2020. Initial Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Siegel dated December 5, 2012
First Report of the Receiver to the Court dated January 28, 2013
Supplement to the First Report of the Receiver to the Court dated February 12, 2013
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Siegel dated February 21, 2013
Second Supplement to the First Report of the Receiver to the Court dated February 28, 2013
Second Report of the Receiver to the Court dated April 16, 2013
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Siegel dated April 25, 2013
Third Report of the Receiver to the Court dated October 23, 2013
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Thorburn dated November 7, 2013
Fourth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated June 5, 2014
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice McEwan dated June 16, 2014
Fifth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated August 11, 2014
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Hainey dated August 20, 2014
Sixth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated January 21, 2015
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Newbould dated January 29, 2015
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Newbould dated March 3, 2015
Order of the Honourable Madam Justice Conway dated April 14, 2015
Seventh Report of the Receiver to the Court dated May 19, 2015
Order of the Honourable Madam. Justice Conway dated June 16, 2015
Eighth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated August 5, 2015
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Hainey dated August 26, 2015 re activities and fees
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Hainey dated August 26, 2015 re approval and vesting
Ninth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated March 21, 2016
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Wilton-Siegel dated May 3, 2016
Tenth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated June 2, 2016
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Hainey dated June 16, 2016
Eleventh Report of the Receiver to the Court dated November 1, 2016
Notice of Motion dated November 17 , 2016
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Newbould dated January 11, 2017
Twelfth Report of the Receiver to the Court dated October 29, 2019
Notice of Motion dated November 7 , 2019
Order of the Honourable Mr. Justice Penny dated November 18, 2019
Discharge Certificate dated January 29, 2020
Standard Claims Forms
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